Monday, June 13, 2011

On My Knees...

Some things change when you become a mama. You get less sleep. You get less time for yourself. You get to be followed around all day (and sometimes night) by a mini-me who mimicks your every move. And you learn how to pray.

When I say "learn", I do mean "learn." Prayer is always something I haven't been good at. Wait a minute...can you be "good" at prayer? Hmm...interesting question.

I DO think someone can be good or "bad" at prayer because what is prayer? At its core, it is simply a conversation. Between you and the Almighty God of the Universe, that is! (dont be intimidated! :)
God wants us to get on our knees before Him and lay out all of our problems, issues and joys. He wants us to worship Him, glorify and praise His name. He has given us so much to be thankful for.

Before kids, I usually would write out my prayers in a journal. I have a row of these old prayer/devotional journals on my bookshelf, they take up a row and a half. Line after line of prayer to Jesus, what I was thinking, what was on my heart.
Reading these old journals is precious to me, because the struggles I had then- well, I'm on the other side now. I almost wish I could reach back to my old-self and tell her "Emily, don't worry so much. Everything is going to be o.k. Just trust!"

When I was in my very early 20's I gave up on Jesus, on prayer, on church, on my family, on everything I KNEW to be true. Thought I knew better, thought I could lead my life without God in it. (Hehehe...we all knew how THAT turned out, don't we.)

Now that I have kids, now that I am back in His word and on my knees again, I'm learning how to pray, really pray, for the first time in my life.
Jesus knows we are not perfect. He does ask for our time, and He does ask for our faith.

Now that Elle will be 5 in two months and the baby is 17 months, I am in prayer more than ever. I ask for God to watch out for my children, to keep them safe in every way.
I ask for God to bring good friends to my children.
I ask that God would help Chad and I, as imperfect as we are as parents, raise up these girls (and my two beautiful step-children) in the fear of the Lord.
I ask God to save my children,
I ask God to bless my children's future spouses
and I ask God to help me to trust Him.

This past week I've been on my knees as NEVER before in my entire life, literally. Things are happening to a family member, things I cannot control...but I can pray for her.
A dear friend is due to have her first child in just a week or two, and they just discovered that her husband has a tumor growing in his brain.
Our finances are so tight, and my nanny job is now ended.
I could worry and cry over all of this (and sometimes, I'll admit, I do...) but God wants me to bring it before Him, share it with Him, and leave it at His feet.
"Pray without ceasing..."

I'm trusting God, and His plans for me and everyone I love, because He sees the whole puzzle of our lives....we only have a tiny piece.

Thank you Lord, for loving me! I am so undeserving! But I am oh, so grateful! Help me to be constantly, always...on my knees!



katelupo said...

Oh Emily! This was just what I needed this morning. You are a blessing. xoxox

The Biermann Family said...

Love reading your posts Emily! They are a blessing to read and you are a great writer! Thanks for posting this one about prayer! I've been really challenged lately to have a more consistent and more sufficient prayer many times we get wrapped up in the busyness of life that we seem to delay our time with the Lord. Yesterday we even had a message at church on just Being still and letting God speak to us! not asking for anything, but just hearing Him and praising Him! Sometimes we just need to listen and we will feel Him working in us! A challenge that was given to us was to take 30 min. out of our day and just be quiet in prayer with God and listen! It helps to have such a fruitful prayer life with the Lord! I pray for our family and for detailed things with the kids as well and much more, but real sincere alone time with God has made prayer time much more fun, focused and fruitful! Like you can't get enough!Thanks again for posting,it was an encouragement to read! Have a great week!