Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend...and some good Craftin' Books

Hope everyone had a wonderful three-day weekend! I know we did, I'm exhausted right now. We had my husbands family and a few friends over last night. All of the little cousins had such a blast playing and riding bikes. It was so humid out. We had a fire and made s'mores when it finally cooled down a bit and got dark out. I'm sure our neighbor's were hoping it's not going to be like this all summer....because we were out in the backyard until midnight!:) No wonder my kids are still sleeping this morning. Sometimes you just gotta let them stay up late and have fun chasing the junebugs. Aren't those some of the best memories you have of being a kid? They are some of mine!

Ri Ri and I

Elle Belle

my mother-in-law Kelly (who also happens to be one of my best friends...crazy I know :) her boyfriend Todd, and Elle

Hubby with his two "man friends" as they call each other..Mitch and Luke. I told them to do Charlie's Angels and this is what they give me. LOL

I sooo wish Rielynn was looking at the camera for this picture. It would be so cute! GRR....

The girls and I also went to Barnes and Noble this weekend and I browsed the crafting section. Here are some of the best finds...these are on my wish list for sure!

Martha Stewart's Encyclopedia of Crafts
Im. In. Love. Does anyone have this? Is it worth the whopping $35.00 price tag? Seems like the holy grail of crafting.

Handmade Nation by Faythe Levine and Cortney Heinel
This is a super cool book. Lots of pictures and interviews with some realllllyyy creative people.

Painted Pages by Sarah Ahearn Bellemare
Maybe its the scrapbooker in me, but I love journaling too. These are some awesome journal and art ideas

Paper Bouquet by Susan Tierney Cockburn
I might have to cave in and buy this one. It teaches you step by step how to turn ordinary paper into these beautiful, exquisite flowers.

And for two books I found on amazon.com but I am dying to get my hands on...

Blogging for Bliss by Tina Frey. (Tina Frey people, not Tina Fey.I got excited for a moment there too. What??!! Tina Fey wrote a book about blogging??!!!! No...she did not.)
Has anyone read this? It looks interesting...

Etsy Success by Kathleen Donovan
There were a few books about selling on Etsy but this one looked the best from what I could tell. Has anyone read this one? I'm wanting it.....

What are your favorite crafting books?


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sometimes kids just will not look at the camera :) Still makes for cute photos, though!

And I LOVE staying out late at bonfires. One of my favorites!