Thursday, May 26, 2011

A Few Things...

Hello Everyone! Happy Thursday!
I don't know what is going on here in Wisconsin, but it is literally freezing outside. We are wearing winter coats and hats! And June is just a few days away. I'm yearning for summer!

How does everyone like my new blog makeover? I LOVE it. My good friend Ambrosia Clark did it for me. She is amazingly talented. She took my vision and brought it to life. This blog is exactly my style. Check out Ambrosia's beautiful blog through her button on my sidebar.

I added a few pages to my blog. In My Crafts, I'll have some links up of my favorite crafting websites and tutorials. Hopin' to inspire ya.

In Faith, I'll be writing about what I believe.

In Family I'll be writing about my adorable kiddos and hubby and what we're up to.

In Healthy Life I'll be adding links to my favorite healthy living websites and recipes. Also some of my own recipes. Hopefully. :)

I'm going to try to keep up on the blog I'll be posing daily or every other day. I'm so glad your here. Follow me and I'll follow you ;) ;) ;)


1 comment:

Mikelle Jade said...

oooh can't wait to see all the crafting :) Following you!

ugh and the weather?? it's not quite as bad here. but I'm still having to wear a thick jacket to work (not quite a winter coat) and tights under my skirts :( Seriously, it's almost June.... crossing my fingers for the sun for both of us!