Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Ice Cube and Coco...and a Give-away!

Hello everybody! I've been a bit quiet for a week or two because I've been getting my Etsy shop off the ground. I want to share with you some of my fav's in my shop!And, I'm giving away this ring!

 But first ... a little somethin' about marriage.

Wait...marriage and Etsy shop...wow, where is my head this morning? Clearly its in a million different places. Bear with me.
I've been married going on 5 years. I am 25. Yes ... I was married at a ripe young age. Shoot me. :) I was in love!
So in January my hubby and I will be celebrating 5 years. YAY. I was thinking about what makes marriage works. What is a good marriage. Why have we lasted 4 1/2 years, some couples only last months while other couples spend 60 years together. The difference? In my opinion, first it would be Christ in our marriage. He's the center of everything in my life, also my marriage.

But second, and this is important, is the issue of RESPECT and ADMIRATION. During our hardest times in our marriage (and yes, we have had a few rough patches) it was always when we were not respecting each other...just as people. Also, we were loosing admiration for the other person.

I caught a few minutes of Ice T and his wife, Coco, on The View a week or two ago. In Hollywood, marriages are known for not lasting, yet Ice T and Coco have been married ten years. When they were asked why, this is (basically) what Ice T said....

"It's not enough just to love your spouse. It's not enough to like your spouse. You have to ADMIRE your spouse. You have to think they are the BEST at what they do. It's that ADMIRATION for them as a person that keeps a marriage solid."

(I know God is probably not in this Hollywood couples marriage...but I think what he had to say was pretty darn smart as well.)
From what I know of men...and lets be honest, sometimes they confuse the heck outta me ... they want to feel like MEN. They want to be the LEADERS of their families...or at least feel like they are. ;)

I ADMIRE my husband because he is kind, he is generous, he takes care of our family physically, mentally, and financially.
I ADMIRE my husband because he is so -so-so handsome, he takes care of himself for me.
I ADMIRE my husband because he is smart, he is amazing with numbers and math, he is a phone geek .... although he is one of the least-geeky people I know.
I ADMIRE my husband because he is so....incredibly......cool. He just is! He doesn't have to try at it. It just comes naturally to him.
I ADMIRE my husband because he puts me and his kids first.
I ADMIRE my husband because he is soo good at lovin' me! In many, many ways! ... whew...is it just me, or is it getting hot in here.....
What do you admire about your man. Lets make sure it's not just words on a page. TELL HIM!

Now, for the give-away.
I love these dahlia and filigree rings! This one is in salmon and dusky blue. I Am GIVING AWAY This beautiful Ring this week! IF YOU WANT IT .... go to my shop Ellarye , then come back here and tell me what is your favorite thing in my shop.
You could also....

1. Follow my blog
2. Tweet about the giveaway
3. Facebook about it
4. Favorite my Etsy shop
5. Add me to your circle on Etsy

Some other cute things...
Pink 'n Blue Flower Hair Pins//Set of Five

Silver Owl Charm Necklace $5.95 and FREE SHIPPING!

Enjoy these pretty new additions to Ellarye!
If you also have a shop, let me know. I will favorite your shop and items in it!
Lets help each other out, people.



Kaylyn said...

I absolutely love the Owl Necklace...but everything is beautiful! You're super talented!

Melody said...

Congrat's on nearly 5 years! I'm not married myself, but I love it when I see couples who are committed to making their marriage work and work well. And I love that Christ is the center of your marriage, that's so important :)

Miss Meg said...

Congrats on opening your Etsy shop! I've had mine open for about 8 months and I'm so excited I did it.
I love the bobby pins in your shop! And i think you're doing an amazing job with your photos - the one in this post of the ring is $!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful tribute to your husband and your marriage. I love your heart for the Lord!!